
Pablo Picasso; Mi Artista Favorito

Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso - otherwise known as Picasso - is my most favourite artist. I love his technique of painting; cubism. Some of his most famous masterpieces seem like they are nothing more than accentuated lines and sharp contours, but really if you think about it, his paintings are more meaningful and complicated than the apparent impression.


pinky said...

Yes, I believe pablo is very talented aswell his drwings are king of peculair but very interestingly awesome!

mech boy said...

I don't think you wrote this

mech boy said...

(sorry for the missing fullstop at the end)

Midnight Baloney said...

Um... If I didn't write it, why would I put it on my blog? I'm not a plagiarist or anything.

Unknown said...

I LOVE Picasso too! what other artist or styles do you like?

Jimmy Bunnet said...
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