
Traits Of A Quality Learner

I'm back. Sorry I haven't been posting lately; for some reason I don't find there's really anything interesting to write about. But back to the matter at hand...
Traits of a quality learner.
I think a successful student... This is more difficult than you'd expect. Um... A successful student should be able to self manage [does that have a hyphen?]; like, get work and other stuff which have deadlines done on time. Does "meeting the highest expectations" come under self(-)managing? If it doesn't, well, quality learners should still do that.
Um, a successful student should "participate and contribute" in all activities and not be scared to try new things.
And then there's all that basic respect stuff that we learnt in Primary; like, respect other people's property, respect school rules, respect your teachers and classmates, etc..
Feel free to add anything I missed in your comments.
Until next time...



Jimmy Bunnet said...
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Midnight Baloney said...

This is a school blog and as homework we were supposed to write a post about this.

Anonymous said...

WoW you have sooooo many views on your clustr map your blog is soooooooo!!!! cool
p.s I like your post on traits of a sucsessful learner

pinky said...

Cool! Wow!

MrWoody said...

muy bien, senor. your post is personable and full of excellent advice :-)